Experience the ways an officiant can provide comfort and ease client anxieties

With the help of your shadowee, explore proven techniques to soothe pre-ceremony nerves, enhance communication skills, and foster a supportive environment for clients during your ceremonies.

Emotional intelligence

Enhances the ability to read and respond to the emotional states of others, a key skill in officiating and beyond.

Communication skills

Improves both verbal and non-verbal communication, crucial for effectively calming and reassuring clients.


Develops the skill to tailor calming strategies to individual clients, making officiants more versatile and empathetic.

Professional presence

Builds a serene and confident presence, essential for transmitting calmness to the client and the ceremony guests.

Client satisfaction

Increases overall client satisfaction, as clients feel supported and understood, contributing to a positive reputation.


Teaches students to anticipate and address potential stressors, enhancing their ability to manage and mitigate anxiety for clients.

Understanding client anxiety

The journey towards a big ceremonial day is filled with excitement but also, inevitably, anxiety and nerves.

For many clients, such as engaged couples, the thought of standing in front of family and friends to celebrate something can be overwhelming.

Shadowing an experienced officiant, students learn the critical role of calming these pre-ceremony nerves, ensuring the client feels supported, relaxed, and present on their special day.

Techniques for easing nerves

Students will gain insight into various techniques used by officiants to ease client anxiety. This includes:

Pre-Ceremony Meetings: Holding meetings or rehearsals before the ceremony to walk through the process, so the client knows exactly what to expect.

Mindfulness Practices: Introducing simple breathing exercises or mindfulness techniques to help the couple centre themselves.

Personal Reassurance: Offering words of comfort and encouragement, drawing on the officiant's own experiences to reassure the couple that it's normal to feel nervous.

The importance of a calm presence

Shadowing teaches students the importance of the officiant's own presence and demeanour in calming clients.

They observe how an officiant's calmness is contagious, helping to soothe the client's nerves.

This involves maintaining a serene and confident posture, using a gentle tone of voice, and always appearing unruffled, even when unexpected issues arise.

Customising the approach

Each client is unique, and so are their anxieties.

Shadowing experiences expose students to the need for customising calming strategies to fit the individual needs of each client.

This might involve focusing on particular concerns a client has expressed or tailoring the level of interaction based on the clients' personalities.

Building confidence through preparation

Preparation is key to calming nerves, not just for the client but also for the officiant.

Students will learn that thorough preparation and knowledge of the ceremony's flow instil confidence in the client.

This includes discussing cues, timings, and any signals the officiant might use to guide the client during the ceremony.