Is there a limit to the number of Solemnisers in the Register(s) of Solemnisers?


Solemnising (R.O.I.)

Is there a limit to the number of Solemnisers in the Register(s) of Solemnisers?

Currently, the Health Service Executive (HSE) in the Republic of Ireland and the General Register Office (GRO) in Northern Ireland do not impose a cap on the number of solemnisers included in their respective Registers of Solemnisers. This means there is always the potential for qualified individuals to be added to the register, as long as they meet the necessary criteria and their credentials are properly arranged.

For ministers aiming to be listed on the HSE Register of Solemnisers, acceptance is contingent upon compliance with specific policies and regulations detailed in the Civil Registration Act 2004, particularly from Section 53(3) through to Section 55(1-C). It's crucial for ministers to ensure they adhere to these guidelines to maintain their eligibility for inclusion on the register.

This policy ensures that there is an ongoing opportunity for new ministers who meet the required standards to become registered solemnisers, contributing to the diversity and availability of solemnising services across both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.