Will FuturFaith take a percentage of my ceremony fees?


Fees & Financing

Will FuturFaith take a percentage of my ceremony fees?

At FuturFaith, we adopt a unique approach to the financial aspects of conducting ceremonies, which sets us apart from other organisations in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Our policy ensures that you, as a minister, maintain full autonomy over your earnings and transactions.

No percentage taken on ceremony fees

At FuturFaith, our policy is distinct from other organisations in that we do not take a percentage of your ceremony fees.

This means you can retain the entirety of what you earn from each ceremony, without any deductions for commission or hidden fees.

No booking or finder's fees

Furthermore, you will not be subjected to any booking fee or finder's fee requests from us.

Once you have received an enquiry or secured a ceremony booking through your profile on our platform (or anywhere else), our involvement concludes.

Full control over financial management

From that point forward, the management of your ceremonies, including any financial transactions, is entirely in your hands.

This approach ensures that you retain full control over your earnings and business dealings, allowing you to build your ministry as you see fit without concern for additional fees deducted by FuturFaith.

Autonomy in building your ministry

This policy is designed to empower you to manage and grow your ministry independently.

It gives you the freedom to negotiate your fees, manage your bookings, and develop client relationships without interference, ensuring that every decision you make directly benefits your personal and professional growth.


FuturFaith is committed to supporting your development as a minister by providing a platform that respects and enhances your financial independence.

By eliminating common industry fees, we ensure that you have the flexibility to shape your career path and increase your earnings potential according to your own terms.

This approach not only simplifies your financial dealings, but also fosters a more direct and rewarding relationship between you and your clients.